Southern Africa Arms and Ammunition Collectors Association

SAAACA Mpumalanga is an association that caters for firearms enthusiast who have an interest in historic and collectable firearms and
who have a serious interest in collecting, research, study, restoration and preservation of firearms and related artefacts.
SAAACA Mpumalanga is a non-profit organisation with the mission of connecting firearms collectors with one another and the promoting
Of the collection, research, study, restoration, preservation and responsible recreational use of collectable arms and ammunition.
In so doing SAAACA Mpumalanga undertakes to promote the appreciation and acceptance of such Collectors and Collecting amongst its
members and the local community and to encourage responsible and ethical behaviour of it’s members in this regard.
The preservation of our history and our heritage is important to us and firearms and ammunition are an important part of that history and heritage.
As collectors, we regard our-selves as custodians and care-takes of the firearms in our possession and we undertake to pass these firearms onto future generations
in the same or better condition that we found them in.